Satya on the Mat: Practicing Truthfulness in Your Yoga Practice
Satya, the second yama in yoga philosophy, means truthfulness—not just in words, but in actions, thoughts, and how we show up for ourselves. But how often do we force ourselves into poses that don’t serve us, ignore our body’s signals, or compare our practice to others?
Bringing Satya to Your Practice
Listen to your body: Modify when needed instead of forcing a pose.
Honor where you are: Some days, a gentle practice is the most honest one.
Let go of comparison: Your truth is unique—there’s no right way to practice.
Yoga is not about performing; it’s about being real with yourself. The more you embrace Satya on the mat, the more you carry it into your daily life.
Our mantra for the week is…
I honor my inner voice and trust the wisdom it reveals
Our journaling prompts are…
What is your inner voice telling you right now?
Reflect on a time you trusted your intuition and it led you to truth.
And our meditation is…a meditation to connect to your inner wisdom
Begin by finding a comfortable seat. Sit tall, allowing your spine to lengthen, your shoulders to soften, and your hands to rest gently on your lap. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, feeling your belly expand. Slowly exhale through your mouth, releasing any tension.
Breathe in clarity. Breathe out doubt.
Bring your awareness to the space within—the quiet center of your being. Here, beyond the noise of expectations, beyond the weight of opinions, your truth already exists. It has always been within you, steady and unwavering, like the light of a distant star.
Ask yourself gently: What is true for me in this moment?
There is no need to force an answer. Simply notice. Perhaps your truth reveals itself as a feeling, a whisper, or a sensation in your body. Let it unfold naturally, without judgment.
With each inhale, imagine yourself drawing closer to your truth. With each exhale, let go of anything that does not belong to you—old beliefs, external pressures, fear of being misunderstood.
You are safe here. You are allowed to be exactly as you are.
Sit with this awareness. If doubts arise, acknowledge them and let them pass like clouds drifting across the sky. Beneath them, your inner knowing remains—clear, calm, and unshaken.
When you are ready, bring your hands to your heart. Feel the warmth beneath your palms, the steady rhythm of your breath.
Whisper to yourself: I honor my truth. I trust my inner wisdom. I am enough.
Take one last deep breath in, filling yourself with gratitude. Exhale slowly, opening your eyes when you feel ready.
Your truth is always with you. You only need to listen.
