Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu: A Prayer for All Beings
The mantra "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu" is a beautiful expression of compassion and universal love. It means, "May all beings everywhere be happy and free." This mantra invites us to think beyond ourselves, to extend our kindness and empathy to all living creatures. Incorporating this mantra into your practice can be a powerful reminder of your role in the collective well-being of the world. As you chant, imagine sending waves of love and peace to people, animals, and nature alike. This simple act can shift your perspective, fostering a heart full of compassion.
Our mantra for the week is…
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May all beings everywhere be happy and free
Our journaling prompts are…
How can I cultivate more compassion for others in my daily life? What specific actions or thoughts help me foster a sense of universal love?
Reflect on someone or a group of beings (humans, animals, nature) you wish to send blessings of happiness and freedom. How does holding this intention impact your inner world?
And our meditation is…a meditation to a prayer for all beings
Focus: Compassion and Universal Love
Begin by placing your hands on your heart and softly repeating the mantra, "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu." Visualize waves of loving-kindness flowing from your heart to all beings, encompassing humans, animals, and the earth. As you repeat the mantra, send blessings of happiness and freedom to everyone, imagining a world filled with compassion. Stay in this feeling of universal love for as long as it feels nourishing.
